Local and Online Perinatal Resources
(More cities and resources coming soon)
Buffalo Perinatal Resources
Postpartum Mental Health Therapy
Parent and Baby Classes and Social Groups
Lactation Consultant
Chicago Perinatal Resources
Coming soon!
Dayton Perinatal Resources
Perinatal Health and Wellness
Dr. Kacey Herman (Chiropractic Health and Wellness Center) - 2301 Far Hills Ave, Oakwood, OH 45419-1513, (937) 293-3052
Dr. Annie Thompson (Alternatives in Health and Healing) - 110 S. Stanfield Rd, Troy, OH 45373, (937) 339-8509
Massage/Prenatal Massage
Allison Umstead-Holloway (Dayton Prenatal Massage) - 8529 N. Dixie Dr, Suite 325, Dayton OH 45414, (937) 818-5046
Susan Nunn - (937) 545-1986
Physical Therapists/Pelvic Floor Physical Therapists
Dr. Aubrey Kern (Flourish Pelvic Therapy) 8534 Yankee Street, Suite 2D, Dayton OH 45458, (937) 479-5828
Orion Physical Therapy - 105 Sugar Camp Circle, Suite 221, Dayton OH 45409, (937) 227-3174
C. Fritz Froehlich (Far Hills Acupuncture) - 2717 Miamisburg Centerville Rd, Dayton, OH 45459, (937) 681-7881
Happy Hormone Cottage - 8101 Miller Farm Ln Suite B, Centerville, OH 45458, (513) 647-4271
Health Food Stores
Olympia Health Food - Stroop-Mar Plaza, Kettering OH 45429, (937) 293-4244
Health Foods Unlimited - 2250 Miamisburg Centerville Rd, Dayton, OH 45459, (937) 433-5100
Yoga/Prenatal Yoga
Day Yoga Studio - 1100 Brown St, Dayton, OH 45409, (937) 829-5947
Speakeasy Yoga - 510 E 3rd St, Dayton, OH 45402, (937) 999-7749
Medical Care Providers
Women’s Health Specialists and Midwives of Dayton - 1 Wyoming St Suite 3100A, Dayton, OH 45409, (937) 890-6644
Lifestages Centers for Women in Dayton - 1323 W Third St, Dayton, OH 45402, (937) 277-898
Pediatric Associates of Dayton - 5440 Far Hills Ave #110, (937) 436-2866
Dr. Alonzo Patterson III - 1152 W Third St #102, Dayton, OH 45402, (937) 268-3483
Children’s Hospitals
Dayton Children’s Hospital - 1 Childrens Plaza, Dayton, OH 45404, (937) 641-3000
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital - 3333 Burnet Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45229, (513) 636-4200
Health Clinics
Five Rivers Health Centers - 721 Miami Chapel Rd, (937) 281-6800
Home Birth Midwives
Emily Shultz - 716 Xenia Ave, Yellow Springs, OH 45387, (614) 447-9711, https://homebirth.love/
Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum
Birth Centers
Family Beginnings at Miami Valley Hospital (Berry Center) - 1 Wyoming St, Dayton, OH 45409, (937) 478-2110
Childbirth Education Classes
Storkhelpers - (513) 254-2470, https://www.storkhelpers.com/childbirth-classes/
Well Done Bun - Lorna@WellDoneBun.com, https://www.welldonebun.com/
Placenta Encapsulation
Storkhelpers - (513) 254-2470
Birth Doulas
Tiffany Terry (Conscious Mama) - (937) 476-1408
Kasandra Maxwell - (937) 479-7576
Amy Welborn (A Welborn Baby) - (937) 418-1678
Jamie Poole (Little Loves Doula Services) (828) 545-5654
Postpartum Doulas
Tiffany Terry (Conscious Mama) - (937) 476-1408
Jamie Poole (Little Loves Doula Services) (828) 545-5654
Cesarean/VBAC Support
The VBAC Link - https://www.thevbaclink.com/
National Partnership for Women and Families - https://nationalpartnership.org/childbirthconnection/giving-birth/vbac/resources/
ICAN of Greater Cincinnati - https://www.facebook.com/ICANofGreaterCincinnati/?fref=ts
ICAN of Central Ohio - https://www.facebook.com/ICANofCentralOhio/
Faith-Based Pregnancy Care and Support
Elizabeth New Life Center - 2201 North Main St, Dayton OH 45405, (937) 226-7414
Lactation Specialists
Jennifer Mann RN, LBCLC (937) 638-2107
April Kline IBCLC (The Well for Wellness) - 529 E. Stroop Rd, Kettering, OH 45429, (937) 912-1486
Storkhelpers - (513) 254-2470
Breastfeeding Support Groups
La Leche League - https://www.lllohio.org/
Black Breastfeeding Coalition of Ohio - https://blackbreastfeedingcoalitionofohio.org/events
Supply Resources
Hannah’s Treasure Chest - 1323 West Third Street, Dayton OH 45402, (937) 461-6869, https://communityhealthdayton.org/HannahsTreasureChest.php
In His Hands - https://www.inhishands.com/breastfeeding/
Parenting Support Groups, Education, Resources
EveryOne Reach One - EveryOneReachOne@phdmc.org, (937) 225-5700, https://mceveryonereachone.org/
Five Rivers Health Centers - 721 Miami Chapel Rd, (937) 281-6800, https://www.fiverivershealthcenters.org/services/womens-health
Dayton Mom Collective - https://daytonmomcollective.com/around-dayton/moms-groups/
Teen Parenting Support
EveryOne Reach One - EveryOneReachOne@phdmc.org, (937) 225-5700, https://mceveryonereachone.org/teens/
Specialized Support
Sexual Violence/Abuse Support
Womanline - 2211 Arbor Blvd, Morainne OH 45439, (937) 222-9581
Abused Women’s Shelter and Support
YWCA Dayton - 141 W Third St, Dayton, OH 45402, (937) 461-5550
Artemis Center — Dayton’s Domestic Violence Resource Agency - 310 W Monument Ave, Dayton, OH 45402, (937) 461-4357
Homeless Shelters/Support
St. Vincent de Paul — Gateway Shelter for Woman and Families - 120 W. Apple St, Dayton OH 45402, (937) 461-7837
St. Vincent de Paul — Gettysburg Gateway Shelter for Men - 1921 S. Gettysburg Ave, Dayton OH 45417, (937) 461-7837
Addiction Services/Support Groups/Treatment
Samaritan Behavioral Health, Substance Abuse Services - 601 Edwin C. Moses Blvd, Building F, Dayton OH 45417, (937) 734-9420
Public Health Recovery Services - 1 Elizabeth Place, SE Dayton, OH 45417, (937) 461-5223
Harm Reduction Services
Equitas Health Ohio - https://equitashealth.com/our-services/harm-reduction/
Harm Reduction Ohio - 935 River Rd, Suite G, Granville, OH 43023, https://www.harmreductionohio.org/
Perinatal Loss Support
HEALing Together Support Groups - Atrium Medical Center, Room 1-730, One Medical Center, Dr, Middletown, OH 45005, (513) 974-4056
Share Hope Central Ohio — Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support - https://nationalshare.org/ohio/
Hope Rising (Faith-based) - (937) 298-2822
Sufficient Grace Ministries - 407 S. Stearns Ave, Deshler, OH 43516, (419) 278-7640
StillBirthday - https://stillbirthday.com/
Support for Parents of Children with Serious Medical Conditions
Courageous Parent Network - connect@courageousparentsnetwork.org, https://courageousparentsnetwork.org/
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorder Resources/Support Groups
POEM for Moms -poemdayton@mhaohio.org, (937) 660-9220, https://mhaohio.org/poem/
Empower Psychology and Wellness - https://www.empowerdayton.com/gudies
Therapist Kathy A. Biehn (Certified in Perinatal Mental Health) - (937) 294-6004
Therapist Karen Weiman Counseling (Certified in Perinatal Mental Health) - Columbus, Dayton, Cincinnati OH, Info@karenweiman.com, (740) 274-9283
Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
Obstetrician/Gynecologist and Midwives
Lactation Support
Related Online Resources